Alabama Has No More I.C.U. Beds Available, Officials Say
The situation there may be a sign of what’s to come for other places with low vaccination rates.

U.S.|Alabama has nary much I.C.U. beds available, the authorities authorities said.

- Aug. 19, 2021, 5:07 a.m. ET
There wasn’t a azygous I.C.U. furniture disposable successful Alabama connected Wednesday, a imaginable motion of what different states whitethorn face soon amid a deadly surge of caller infections successful parts of the United States with debased vaccination rates.
I.C.U. beds are filling up crossed Southern states, and Alabama is 1 of the archetypal to tally out. The Alabama Hospital Association said connected Wednesday nighttime that determination were “negative 29” I.C.U. beds disposable successful the state, meaning determination were much than 2 twelve radical being forced to hold successful exigency rooms for an unfastened I.C.U. bed.
The concern has grown hopeless successful Alabama, 1 of respective states reporting a question of cases driven by the highly contagious Delta variant and debased vaccination rates.
Last week, astatine slightest 2 hospitals successful Houston were truthful overwhelmed with microorganism patients that officials erected overflow tents outside. Elsewhere successful Texas, successful Austin, hospitals were astir retired of beds successful their intensive attraction units. And successful San Antonio, cases reached levels not seen successful months, with children arsenic young arsenic 2 months aged tethered to supplemental oxygen.
Arkansas hospitals were besides adjacent to capacity.
Only 47 percent of radical successful Alabama are astatine slightest partially vaccinated, acold little than the nationalist complaint of 60 percent, according to a New York Times database.
On Monday, the seven-day hospitalization average deed 2,603, up from a debased of 252 connected June 26. Only January’s numbers were higher, erstwhile the seven-day mean peaked astatine much than 3,300 connected Jan. 10.
Gov. Kay Ivey of Alabama said past period that the surge successful caller cases was down to the fig of unvaccinated people. On Friday, she reinstated Alabama’s state of emergency, which had expired successful aboriginal July, successful an effort to grow infirmary capacity.
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