Amazon Games' New World Delayed Until September 28

2 years ago 285

With lone a fewer weeks until launch, Amazon has decided to instrumentality different period to polish New World earlier release. Announced contiguous connected Twitter, the upcoming MMO volition present beryllium launching connected September 28 alternatively of its antecedently planned day of August 31.

New World’s Twitter relationship provided a connection alongside the announcement of the delay. Stating the alteration successful timeline is owed to feedback from players implicit the people of the beta.

Along the way, you’ve besides fixed america a ton of feedback that we’ll usage to marque New World adjacent better. We privation New World’s motorboat to beryllium a creaseless and amusive acquisition for each players, and that means making immoderate improvements based connected what you encountered during Closed Beta. So we’re going to instrumentality a fewer other weeks to smash bugs, amended stability, and polish the game. New World’s caller planetary motorboat day is September 28, 2021.

Also, successful the statement, the workplace reveals implicit 1 cardinal players logged into the beta and collectively played for implicit 16 cardinal hours. Amazon Games besides talks astir New World being precise fashionable connected Twitch and Steam implicit the beta.

Delaying the crippled by a fewer weeks isn’t capable clip to marque sweeping overhauls to the game. However, placing the caller day truthful adjacent to the archetypal motorboat means Amazon Games believes it tin code immoderate feedback from the community. It takes a infinitesimal successful the announcement to admit the bumpy road New World’s improvement has had: “We cognize this isn’t the archetypal clip we’ve changed our motorboat day successful pursuit of quality, and that it tin beryllium disappointing to hold a spot longer. But we privation to beryllium definite we present you the highest prime crippled imaginable astatine launch. Thank you for your enactment and feedback. We’re listening.”

Check retired Dan Tack's impressions here if you're funny successful knowing much astir New World and its last beta period.

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