Google Responded to Workplace Complaints With Counseling
Former and current Google employees said that H.R. would respond to their workplace complaints by referring them to counseling programs instead of addressing the broader issues.

in her words
Former and existent Google employees said that H.R. would respond to their workplace complaints by referring them to counseling programs alternatively of addressing the broader issues.

July 28, 2021Updated 10:21 p.m. ET
“I hated the mode the institution treated maine similar I was sick.”
— Emi Nietfeld, a erstwhile Google employee
In precocious 2018, Chelsey Glasson, a researcher astatine Google who had worked determination for 4 years, moved to a caller team. She was large astatine the clip and said she instantly felt she was being discriminated against. Her caller brag suggested that her forthcoming maternity permission mightiness “rock the boat,” and she was efficaciously stripped of her absorption responsibilities.
When she filed a ailment with quality resources, she was offered 10 escaped sessions with a intelligence wellness counsellor who was contracted by Google and disposable connected campus.
At the time, she thought, “What a large resource, of people I’m going to instrumentality vantage of this.”
More than a twelvemonth later, erstwhile Ms. Glasson filed a gestation favoritism suit against Google, her counsellor told Ms. Glasson that she was “really tense and uncomfortable” seeing her aft Google had asked for entree to records of their sessions. “She was acrophobic that affiliating with maine would compromise her declaration with Google,” Ms. Glasson said.
“That was an incredibly low, deflating infinitesimal successful my experience,” she said. That the counsellor suggested ending their sessions arsenic soon arsenic Ms. Glasson had filed a suit sounds similar “client abandonment,” said Kristi Lee, subordinate prof for Seattle University’s counseling program, which is perchance a usurpation of a ceremonial ethical codification for counselors. Ms. Glasson’s counsellor did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
Ms. Glasson said that already Google has been utilizing those subpoenaed records to suggest that she was distressed for idiosyncratic reasons, not due to the fact that of a perchance toxic enactment situation oregon discrimination. She said she had been “asked precise intimate questions” astir her intelligence wellness and wherefore she sought attraction successful the archetypal place.
In interviews with The Times, six erstwhile and existent Google employees recalled that erstwhile they spoke up against workplace misconduct, they, too, were offered escaped short-term counseling — called the Employee Assistance Program (E.A.P.) — oregon aesculapian leave. This signifier was originally reported by NBC News successful March, which cited implicit a twelve existent and erstwhile employees.
A Google executive, who asked not to beryllium identified due to the fact that helium is not permitted to talk to reporters, said that erstwhile employees study difficulties astatine enactment with a colleague, Google’s quality resources officers are instructed to punctual those employees that the institution offers up to 20 therapy sessions a year. (Google recently expanded the payment to 25 sessions.)
Of course, offering counseling isn’t needfully a atrocious thing. In 2018, aft a shooting astatine YouTube’s office successful San Bruno, Calif., Google — YouTube’s genitor institution — offered employees short-term counseling to assistance woody with the trauma.
Nor is this benignant of counseling unsocial to Google. Large companies successful tons of industries, including concern and logistics, connection thing similar.
But counseling tin go problematic erstwhile it’s utilized arsenic a stopgap oregon a speedy hole to resoluteness tense workplace situations that mightiness not legally beryllium considered harassment oregon bullying but that are nevertheless unacceptable, said Erica Scott, a quality resources expert.
Tolerating atrocious managers portion directing employees to a counseling programme is simply a “shocking” mode to “shield the leader from accountability,” she said. “These are worker matters that are the employer’s work to woody with, not a 3rd party.”
Some Google unit members who raised concerns said that portion aesculapian permission and counseling were adjuvant resources, an interior probe into their complaints either didn’t instrumentality place, oregon ended up dragging connected for months.
“We deliberation that offering escaped third-party counseling and enactment that employees tin take to usage if they privation is the close happening for an leader to bash to enactment people, and they’ve been highly beneficial for galore employees,” Shannon Newberry, a Google spokeswoman, said successful an email. “Our Employee Assistance Program would ne'er beryllium offered successful spot of an investigation,” she added, pointing to companywide changes enactment successful effect past year to however complaints are investigated. The company, which has much than 140,000 employees, besides added that 90 percent of Google survey respondents who had utilized counseling services successful 2020 were satisfied oregon highly satisfied with the service.
In astir cases, erstwhile a institution steers an worker to counseling, that idiosyncratic would beryllium asked to stock their aesculapian and intelligence wellness past with the counselor, not dissimilar seeing a caller doctor. But that whitethorn enactment them successful a concern successful which delicate accusation astir their past is surfaced wrong a workplace discourse oregon connected the bureau campus, said Ramit Mizrahi, laminitis of Mizrahi Law.
Ann Hull, an employment lawyer, said the misuse of short-term counseling started becoming much communal crossed industries successful the past 5 years oregon so. She expressed interest astir however overmuch the counselors — who are often contractors moving with aggregate companies — would support an employee’s privacy.
And if an worker goes connected to writer the institution for affectional damages, which tin output much compensation than suing lone for economical losses, employers whitethorn beryllium capable to leverage those backstage records, Ms. Mizrahi said, arsenic Google has done successful Ms. Glasson’s case. The much caller the therapy oregon counseling, the much apt it is that the notes tin beryllium used.
“If a imaginable lawsuit called maine and said: ‘I’m being harassed astatine work, I consciousness truly stressed and anxious. Do you deliberation I should usage my company’s E.A.P.?’” Ms. Mizrahi said, “I would counsel them against it.”
A ‘Default Fallback’
In the summertime of 2018, Emi Nietfeld, past a Google employee, filed a intersexual harassment ailment with quality resources against her nonstop supervisor. For months, helium had been making inappropriate comments astir her, she wrote in a Guest Essay for The Times and touching her successful ways that made her uncomfortable.
The probe lasted astir 3 months. During this time, Ms. Nietfeld was inactive sitting adjacent to her harasser and having one-on-one meetings with him. She felt connected edge, restless, often incapable to sleep. Whenever she asked for a timeline connected the investigation, Google offered her the aforesaid 3 options: escaped counseling, enactment from location oregon aesculapian leave. “It made maine consciousness similar the occupation was me,” she said.
In her diary from that time, which she shared with The Times, she wrote: “I hated the mode the institution treated maine similar I was sick.”
At that time, Google had contracted Concern Health to supply the counseling services, and it has since switched to Lyra Health. In Lyra’s privateness agreement, which Google employees shared with The Times, the institution states that it would not stock accusation with Google without a client’s support unless “required to bash truthful by a tribunal bid oregon different ineligible requirement.” It’s unclear what “other ineligible requirement” means successful this context, but therapists and counselors are sometimes required by instrumentality to stock backstage accusation without the patient’s consent, for illustration if the diligent poses a credible menace to others oregon discloses that a kid is being abused. Lyra Health, which provides counseling services astatine different companies, including eBay, Facebook and Starbucks, did not respond to requests for comment.
Mental wellness counseling successful the workplace has been astir for a while: it tin beryllium traced backmost to the precocious 1930s erstwhile it was chiefly utilized to assistance companies place alcoholic employees whose productivity was dipping, aboriginal expanding to counseling successful the 1940s. It is usually abstracted to intelligence wellness therapy that would beryllium disposable done wellness insurance. Both forms of counseling and therapy are, however, expected to adhere to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, oregon HIPAA, a national instrumentality that ensures a patient’s confidentiality.
Ms. Nietfeld was already seeing an outer therapist but, aft filing the intersexual harassment complaint, she considered making an assignment with an on-site counselor, believing they mightiness amended recognize Google’s “very circumstantial culture.” She was told it would beryllium a three- to four-month hold earlier a counsellor would beryllium available, an denotation of however wide utilized the work is. In the end, she didn’t usage the counseling services during the investigation. Later, erstwhile quality resources substantiated her claims, she was offered counseling again but said that she was inactive expected to beryllium adjacent to her harasser.
“Alphabet seems to presumption E.A.P. arsenic the go-to immoderate clip idiosyncratic has an contented astatine work. They look to suggest E.A.P. earlier an probe begins, during the H.R. process and adjacent aft an outcome,” Chris Schmidt, spokesperson for the Alphabet Workers Union, said successful an email. “But it’s not a cautiously considered option: It’s a default fallback whenever idiosyncratic mentions immoderate emotion, without immoderate existent information of whether it volition really assistance the idiosyncratic affected,” helium said. “They’re efficaciously weaponizing intelligence wellness services.”
Ms. Glasson — whose lawsuit against Google volition spell to proceedings successful December — said that, arsenic a manager, she was instructed to promote a distressed worker to usage the counseling services. She received an email template with intelligence wellness options to guardant connected to her nonstop report, a transcript of which was reviewed by The Times.
Ms. Glasson said that erstwhile she aboriginal recovered herself connected the receiving extremity of favoritism from her director, she received a akin email from quality resources, this clip encouraging her to usage the counseling services. But quality resources didn’t analyse her claims, arsenic claimed in her tribunal filing.
“When you spell to H.R. to question assistance and you’re told, ‘Well person you considered counseling?’ that yet is communicating that you’re the problem,” she said.
“It’s meant to halt you successful your tracks and soundlessness you — it surely made maine halt and pause,”she added.
The Alphabet Workers Union this period published an online petition — related to caller allegations from a Google idiosyncratic who said that she was raped by a co-worker successful May and past enactment connected aesculapian permission — urging the institution to “cease the insidious process of pushing workers into E.A.P. therapy erstwhile they look harassment oregon different workplace abuses.”
Another Google employee, who asked to stay anonymous due to the fact that she inactive works astatine the company, recalled that erstwhile she complained astir a racist and toxic manager, she was told that possibly she needed resilience training. She was besides offered the aforesaid options: counseling oregon paid aesculapian leave. She chose the latter. A erstwhile Google worker based successful London said she was besides offered counseling erstwhile she came guardant with intersexual battle claims.
When Timnit Gebru, a erstwhile co-leader of Google’s Ethical A.I. team, raised concerns astir bias successful the exertion giant’s artificial intelligence, she was besides offered “resources connected mindfulness,” she said successful an email. She declined the offer, telling quality resources that “no magnitude of mindfulness fixes a hostile enactment environment.”
Red Flags
“One of my archetypal questions erstwhile I person caller clients is, ‘Have you seen a therapist successful the anterior years?’” Ms. Mizrahi said. If idiosyncratic had seen a therapist a agelong clip agone for reasons unrelated to the existent lawsuit and was different mentally steadfast until their enactment situation became challenging, lawyers tin reason that those erstwhile records are irrelevant and should not beryllium handed implicit to the company’s lawyers successful litigation.
But erstwhile determination are records of contemporaneous treatment, it becomes overmuch harder to reason that they are irrelevant to the lawsuit astatine hand. (Of course, successful immoderate cases, that grounds mightiness really extremity up bolstering an employee’s case.)
When a counsellor oregon therapist receives a subpoena, they tin determination to person that quashed oregon they whitethorn question to crook implicit the “minimal magnitude of accusation possible,” said Dr. Lee, of Seattle University. However, erstwhile it comes to subpoenaing an E.A.P. counselor, “I could spot however determination could beryllium a imaginable struggle of interest,” she added.
Where counselors are located mightiness besides suggest a breach of independence, said Ms. Hull, an employment attorney. “I get truly suspicious of E.A.P. counselors who are successful the aforesaid gathering arsenic quality resources, sometimes successful the aforesaid suite arsenic quality resources,” she added.
She recounted that 1 of her clients, not affiliated with Google, told an employer-provided counsellor that she was considering hiring an lawyer with complaints astir her enactment environment. The adjacent day, according to Ms. Hull, quality resources pulled the worker speech to inquire her wherefore she was looking to prosecute a lawyer — a information that she hadn’t disclosed to anyone but her counselor.
In galore cases, erstwhile plaintiffs recognize that their counseling and aesculapian records mightiness beryllium made nationalist successful affectional distress cases, they determine to either settee oregon driblet their claims, Ms Mizrahi said.
Daisuke Wakabayashi contributed reporting.
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