Inscryption Has A Free Roguelike Expansion You Can Play Now

2 years ago 452

Inscryption is 1 of 2021’s biggest surprises successful much ways than one. Outside of being a precise bully crippled (it cracked our Top 10 Games of 2021, aft all) it besides has a batch much going for it than it lets on. Those who person seen the escapade to its decision but are itching for much creepy paper crippled goodness should beryllium blessed to perceive that a tiny enlargement is retired now.

The update is called Kaycee’s Mod and serves arsenic an endlessly replayable mentation of the compartment information of the game. Players tin situation Leshy successful an progressively hard bid of paper battles, with each level unlocking caller cards, challenges, and adjacent developer logs recorded by the expansions’ namesake. If you’ve completed Inscryption, you cognize the value of that past bit. 

To entree Kaycee’s Mod, you’ll person to right-click connected Inscryption successful your Steam library. Select “Properties”, click the “Betas” tab, and punch successful the codification “givemeascensionmode”. Once you’re astatine the commencement screen, deed Shift+K+M to unlock the mod. Creator Daniel Mullens besides warns that players should astir apt backmost up their prevention files anterior to accessing Kaycee’s Mod. 

In a Steam post, Mullens explains that Kaycee’s Mod is simply a convey you to everyone who’s played Inscryption and that helium wanted to appease fans who truly enjoyed the Leshy’s Cabin section of the game. The enlargement is billed arsenic a beta, truthful expect immoderate eventual balance changes arsenic good arsenic two new cards/items, much dev logs, and adjacent a last brushwood astatine the extremity of the 12th level. 

For much connected Incryption, beryllium definite to cheque retired our review.

Will you beryllium firing up Kaycee's Mod? Let america cognize successful the comments!

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