‘They’re Killing People’: Biden Denounces Social Media for Virus Disinformation
The president’s blunt statement capped weeks of frustration in the White House over the spread of vaccine disinformation on Facebook and other platforms.

The president’s blunt connection capped weeks of vexation successful the White House implicit the dispersed of vaccine disinformation connected Facebook and different platforms. Video transcript transcript “What’s your connection to platforms similar Facebook?” “They’re sidesplitting people. I mean, really. Well, look, the lone pandemic, we person is among the unvaccinated and that, and they’re sidesplitting people.”Biden Slams Social Media Companies for Pandemic Misinformation
President Biden said that companies similar Facebook were liable for spreading misinformation astir vaccines and the coronavirus pandemic, attributing preventable deaths to the platforms.
July 16, 2021, 6:19 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON — President Biden unleashed his increasing vexation with societal media connected Friday erstwhile helium said platforms similar Facebook are “killing people” by allowing disinformation astir the coronavirus vaccine to dispersed online.
Mr. Biden’s forceful connection capped weeks of grievance successful the White House implicit the dispersed of vaccine disinformation online, adjacent arsenic the gait of vaccinations slows and wellness officials pass of the rising information of the Delta variant.
Just earlier boarding Marine One for a play successful Camp David, Md., Mr. Biden was asked what his connection was to societal media platforms erstwhile it comes to Covid-19 disinformation.
“They’re sidesplitting people,” Mr. Biden said. “Look, the lone pandemic we person is among the unvaccinated, and that — and they’re sidesplitting people.”
Mr. Biden spoke a time aft the surgeon wide of the United States utilized his archetypal ceremonial advisory to knock tech and societal media companies to halt unsafe wellness information that presents “an urgent menace to nationalist health.”
The Biden medication has warned of the dispersed of misinformation astir vaccines and the coronavirus from a scope of sources, including politicians and quality outlets. But this week, White House officials went further and singled retired societal media companies for allowing mendacious accusation to proliferate. That came aft weeks of failed attempts to get Facebook to crook implicit accusation detailing what mechanisms are successful spot to combat misinformation astir the vaccine, according to a idiosyncratic acquainted with the matter.
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